Amiga Plus Special 18
AMIGAplus Sonderheft 18 (1999)(ICP)(DE)[!].iso
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443 lines
// global.h -- global definitions header
// various types of headers
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <intuition/screens.h>
#include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
#include <libraries/gadtools.h>
#include <libraries/asl.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <proto/intuition.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/diskfont.h>
#include <proto/graphics.h>
#include <proto/gadtools.h>
#include <proto/asl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#undef strcpy
#include <libraries/reqtools.h>
#include <proto/reqtools.h>
// These make the code easier to follow.
#define FI }
#define OD }
#define Bool(a) ((a)!=0) // explicitly converts any numeric or bit value
// to TRUE or FALSE
// sound and music support
#include "sound_protos.h"
#include "libproto.h"
// These common default tags for my EZ Requesters
#define RT_DEFAULT RT_Window,map_window,RT_ReqPos,REQPOS_CENTERWIN,RT_LockWindow,TRUE
extern ULONG __far RangeSeed; // This is needed for random number generation.
// the parameters that get me a standard busy pointer
#define BUSY_POINTER busy_pointer_data,16,16,-6,0
// locations of the special map objects in my graphics bitmap
#define MAP_CURSOR 242,30
#define MAP_MARKER 242,48
#define MAP_BLAST 154,30
// pen colors
#define LT_GRAY 0
#define BLACK 1
#define WHITE 2
#define LT_BLUE 3
#define TAN 4
#define DK_GRAY 5
#define PURPLE 6
#define ORANGE 7
#define RED 8
#define DK_BLUE 9
#define BLUE 10
#define BROWN 11
#define GRAY 12
#define DK_GREEN 13
#define LT_GREEN 14
#define GREEN 15
// terrain hex ID codes
#define HEX_PLAINS 1
#define HEX_DESERT 2
#define HEX_FORBID 3
#define HEX_ARCTIC 3
#define HEX_BRUSH 4
#define HEX_FOREST 5
#define HEX_JUNGLE 6
#define HEX_RUGGED 7
#define HEX_HILLS 8
#define HEX_PEAKS 10
#define HEX_SWAMP 11
#define HEX_SHALLOWS 12
#define HEX_OCEAN 13
#define HEX_DEPTH 14
#define HEX_ICE 15
#define HEX_CITY 16 // not a real hex, but a valid brush value
#define HEX_ROADS 17 // ditto!
// following macro easily determines if a hex is ocean (ice doesn't count)
#define OCEAN_P(a) (a>=HEX_SHALLOWS&&a<=HEX_DEPTH)
#define VALID_HEX(a,b) ((BOOL)(a>=0&&a<width&&b>=0&&b<height))
#define GRID_SIZE ((long)((width+width%2)*height/2+1))
#define ROAD 1 // flags show presence of roads or minefields
#define MINE 2
// unit-icon ID codes
// the first 12 are also used to identify unit types
#define RIFLE 0
#define ARMOR 1
#define AIRCAV 2
#define BOMBER 3
#define FIGHTER 4
#define TRANSPORT 5
#define SUB 6
#define DESTROYER 7
#define CRUISER 8
#define BATTLESHIP 9
#define CARRIER 10
#define AIRFIELD 11
// these aren't properly unit types
#define LANDMINE 17
#define SEAMINE 18
#define MILITIA 20
#define CITY 21
#define ROADS 22
// map display info
// minimum width and height designed for NTSC, no overscan
#define MIN_WD 19
#define MIN_HT 14
// this is the visible overlap around the edges of the map when
// using wrap-around
#define WRAP_OVERLAP 3
extern BOOL fmail;
extern BOOL modem;
struct Hex_Coords {
short col, row;
// global game options
struct Opt {
int gametype; // normal, file-mail, or modem
BOOL wrap; // wrap-around map
BOOL defend_cities; // units in a city help defend it
BOOL fortification; // allow units to dig in?
BOOL stacking; // none, partial (in movement), full
BOOL landmines; // landmines enabled?
BOOL seamines; // seamines enabled?
}; // opt;
struct MinNode cnode;
short col, row; // location on map
short unit_type; // what it's producing
short unit_wip; // Work In Progress, how much it's already built
short owner; // who owns dis joint?
short industry; // production capacity, defaults to 50%
APTR reserved; // reserved for what, I just don't know
char name[20]; // name of city
struct City {
struct MinNode cnode;
short col, row; // location on map
short unit_type; // what it's producing
short unit_wip; // Work In Progress, how much it's already built
short owner; // who owns dis joint?
short industry; // production capacity, defaults to 50%
short specialty; // the unit type this city specializes in,
// or 12 (CITY) means no specialty
short reserved;
char name[20]; // name of city
UBYTE recon[9]; // recon value for each player
// valid order codes that can be given
// each of these conditions has a graphical token associated with it
#define ORDER_NONE 0
#define ORDER_SENTRY 1
#define ORDER_LOAD 4
#define ORDER_UNLOAD 5
#define ORDER_GOTO 6
// These two are NOT associated with graphical tokens - use carefully
#define ORDER_HOME 10
#define ORDER_PATROL 11
struct OldOrder { // obsolete; intended only for compatibility purposes
short type; // code for the type of order
short orgx, orgy; // origin coordinates (Quit smirking!)
short destx, desty; // destination coordinates
short etc; // Estimated Time of Completion; the turn number when a
// non-movement activity will be finished, such as
// fortification, minelaying, etc.
struct Unit *dest_unit; // destination unit (i.e. aircraft carrier)
struct Order {
short type; // code for the type of order
short orgx, orgy; // origin coordinates (Quit smirking!)
short destx, desty; // destination coordinates
short etc; // Estimated Time of Completion; the turn number when a
// non-movement activity will be finished, such as
// fortification, minelaying, etc.
short reserved;
BOOL processed; // flag shows whether this unit has been processed
// by the order manager this turn
struct Unit *dest_unit; // destination unit (i.e. aircraft carrier)
If you change the UnitTemplate data structure, be sure to also change
the wishbook[] initialization in data_struct.c!
struct UnitTemplate {
int type; // type of unit to build (NOT USED)
int build; // amount of industry units needed to build one
int range; // number of movement units without refueling (-1 = unlimited)
int speed; // number of movement units per turn
int hitpoints; // number of hits it can take without being destroyed
BOOL enabled; // available in this game, true or false
BOOL ship_flag; // set TRUE if it can only be built in port cities
char name[20]; // name of unit type "RIFLE", "TRANSPORT", etc.
}; // wishbook[13]
struct InfoTemplate {
BOOL enabled;
struct OldUnit {
struct MinNode unode;
short col, row; // location of the piece
short owner; // who owns the piece
short type; // what kind of piece it is
short damage; // how many hits it has taken
short attacks; // how many attacks it has made this turn
short cargo; // how many cargo units are on board
short move; // how many 1/60 spaces it can move this turn
short fuel; // how many turns remain before refueling
struct Unit *ship; // ship that is carrying this unit or NULL
struct Order *orders; // pointer to the piece's current orders or NULL
char *name; // pointer to name of unit, otherwise NULL
struct Unit {
struct MinNode unode;
short col, row; // location of the piece
short owner; // who owns the piece
short type; // what kind of piece it is
short damage; // how many hits it has taken
short attacks; // how many attacks it has made this turn
short cargo; // how many cargo units are on board
short weight; // how much cargo weight it's carrying
// (rifle=1, armor=2, fighter=1)
short move; // how many 1/60 spaces it can move this turn
short fuel; // how many turns remain before refueling
long reserved;
struct Unit *ship; // ship that is carrying this unit or NULL
struct Order *orders; // pointer to the piece's current orders or NULL
char *name; // pointer to name of unit, otherwise NULL
#define mask(a) (1<<a) // used for bitwise tests
The following flag values define possible return values of unit_readiness().
This has been changed from the previous method of using enumerated values,
because I found it might be useful for some of the states to overlap.
#define UNIT_UNREADY 1
#define UNIT_READY (1<<1)
#define UNIT_ENGAGED (1<<2)
#define UNIT_PROCESSED (1<<3)
// these were the previous values...
#define ISHUMAN(x) (x==HUMAN)
#define NONHUMAN(x) (x>=COMPUTER&&x<=AREXX)
struct OldMapIcon { // an object to display on the user's map
struct MinNode inode;
short col, row; // location on player's map
short type; // icon number (or city)
short owner; // what player it belongs to
short token; // show order status
BOOL stacked; // draw heavy border
struct MapIcon { // an object to display on the user's map
struct MinNode inode;
short col, row; // location on player's map
short type; // icon number (or city)
short owner; // what player it belongs to
short token; // show order status
short turn; // turn number when the icon was made
BOOL stacked; // draw heavy border
struct OldPLayer { // obsolete structure; kept only for compatibility
char name[41]; // the player's chosen name
char passkey[41]; // the player's encrypted password
enum PlayerType type; // human or computer?
enum PlayerStatus status; // active, crushed, surrendered, whatever...
short color; // the color used to indentify his units
short prod; // production efficiency, range 0 to 100
short att; // attack efficiency, range 0 to 100
short def; // defense efficiency, range 0 to 100
short aggr; // computer aggressiveness, range 1 to 10
// these next few are user-set preferences
short msg_delay; // time delay for user event messages
short battle_delay; // time delay for combat events
enum SoundFX soundfx; // sound effects: none, all, or battle sounds only
BOOL autorpt; // show combat report automatically each turn?
BOOL show_production; // automatically show new units produced (not ships)
// next two are for map data
char *map; // the player's personal battle map
struct MinList icons; // list of icons to display for his map
// eud[] & uld[] store statistics for the war report, have no effect on game
short eud[11]; // Enemy Units Destroyed
short ulc[11]; // Units Lost in Combat
I have added a new value to the PLayer structure. This is the "show" value
which determines whether game actions for this player are displayed on
screen. Normally this will have a value of SHOW_NON for computer opponents
and SHOW_ALL for human players. However, it is possible to add other modes
for demonstrations, debugging, etc.
#define SHOW_NON 0 // show nothing on screen: no map display, etc.
#define SHOW_GRP 1 // show map display and graphics action
#define SHOW_SND 2 // play sounds
#define SHOW_REQ 4 // present requesters and other events requiring human input
struct PLayer {
char name[41]; // the player's chosen name
char passkey[41]; // the player's encrypted password
enum PlayerType type; // human or computer?
enum PlayerStatus status; // active, crushed, surrendered, whatever...
short show; // display status of this player; see notes above
short color; // the color used to indentify his units
short prod; // production efficiency, range 0 to 100
short att; // attack efficiency, range 0 to 100
short def; // defense efficiency, range 0 to 100
short aggr; // computer aggressiveness, range 1 to 10
short reserved1;
// these next few are user-set preferences
short snd_vol; // sound effects volume
short msg_delay; // time delay for user event messages
short battle_delay; // time delay for combat events
enum SoundFX soundfx; // sound effects: none, all, or battle sounds only
BOOL autorpt; // show combat report automatically each turn?
BOOL show_production; // automatically show new units produced (not ships)
// next two are for map data
char *map; // the player's personal battle map
struct MinList icons; // list of icons to display for his map
// eud[] & uld[] store statistics for the war report, have no effect on game
short eud[11]; // Enemy Units Destroyed
short ulc[11]; // Units Lost in Combat
}; // roster[9];
struct Options {
short num_playing; // number of players who started
BOOL stacking; // whether stacking rules are in force
BOOL fmail; // flag for an F-Mail game
BOOL modem; // flag for a modem game
BOOL defend_cities; // will units help protect a city?
BOOL entrenchment; // can troops dig in?
#define PLAYER roster[player]
This following structure is used with a temporary file to store all
the combat that takes place.
struct BattleRecord {
int turn; // turn the battle took place
int att_x, att_y; // attacker and defender info
int att_owner, att_type;
int def_x, def_y;
int def_owner;
short white_icon, def_type;
int winner; // who won the battle
int casualties; // number of defending units destroyed
int bombardment; // true if winner does not move
int seen_by; // masks indicate who should see this report
unsigned int blows; // stores blow-by-blow account
The use of the "blows" variable demands more explanation. The
first byte of the value is an unsigned char from 1 to 24. This is
the number of explosions or "blows" delivered in the fight. The
remaining 24 bits each signify an explosion, with 1 being a hit against
the defender and 0 being a hit against the attacker.
// automatically generated prototypes
#include "main_menu_protos.h"
#include "map_editor_protos.h"
#include "map_editor2_protos.h"
#include "graphics_protos.h"
#include "map_grafx_protos.h"
#include "data_struct_protos.h"
#include "map_display_protos.h"
#include "game_play1_protos.h"
#include "game_play2_protos.h"
#include "options_protos.h"
#include "Gadgets_protos.h"
#include "Utils_protos.h"
#include "Sound.H"
#include "status_protos.h"
#include "cyber_protos.h"
// end of listing